Kingdom of Saudi Arabia : Gender equality.

Qawami team, QT Kingdom of Saudi Arabia : Gender equality. Eleanor Abdella Doumato.


The Basic Law of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia does not guarantee gender equality. To the contrary, gender inequality is built into Saudi Arabia’s governmental and social structures, and is integral to the country’s statesupported interpretation of Islam, which is derived from a literal reading of the Koran and Sunna.1 In issuing religious opinions, state-funded ulema (religious scholars) generally avoid consideration of judicial precedent and evolving social contexts, so that their offi cial posture resists pressure for change, especially when it comes to controlling women’s behavior.

Additional indexing

Subjects: H Social Sciences > HQ The family. Marriage. Woman
Communities : Qawami > Poseidonis
Language: English
Depositing User: Qawami Staff
Date Deposited: 30 Jan 2022 10:15
Last Modified: 30 Jan 2022 12:06
Themes: Islamic Government
Topics: Discrimination Equal Protection, Family Law, Human Rights Law, Law And Gender
Geographic Regions: Asia > Saudi Arabia

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