Yet Another Petition for the Uniform Civil Code in a Vacuum

Qawami team, QT Yet Another Petition for the Uniform Civil Code in a Vacuum. The Wire.


The protagonists of a uniform code have never articulated any vision of it, while provisions in Muslim personal laws have become the selective peg on which to hang empty unpopulated rhetoric.

Additional indexing

Subjects: K Law > K Law (General)
Communities : Qawami > Poseidonis
Language: English
Depositing User: Qawami Staff
Date Deposited: 09 Feb 2022 21:22
Last Modified: 10 Feb 2022 09:23
Topics: Civil Law, Discrimination Equal Protection, Jurisdiction, Jurisprudence, Religion Law
Geographic Regions: Asia > India

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Filetype: Interactive Resource

Licence: Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)


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