Religious authority and islamic norms in a secular context : The imâm Tareq Oubrou, Muslims in Bordeaux and French Islam

BAYLOCQ SASSOUBRE, Cédric (2015) Religious authority and islamic norms in a secular context : The imâm Tareq Oubrou, Muslims in Bordeaux and French Islam. Doctoral thesis, Bordeaux 2.


Nearly a quarter century after the great scholar of Islam Jacques Berque declared his wishful desire to one day see emerge a “French Islam”, there start to surface in Europe in general, and France in particular, pioneering theological and canonical works that ambition to revisit the Islamic tradition and propose new paradigms – although still based on the Islamic corpus – to the presence of Muslim minorities in a secular context. That is certainly the case for imâm Tareq Oubrou. After more than thirty years sharing the struggles of his community all over Western France, he set himself on the theological-canonical journey of reappraising his scriptural tradition, contextualizing it in and for the contemporary world, and reevaluating the normativity that classical Sunni thought has been promoting and promulgating for centuries. Beyond these endeavors, it is first and foremost the trajectory of a contemporary Muslim leader in France that will be investigated here with attention to the articulations of his thought in the concrete context of the daily practice of his function of imâm as reflected in his sermons, legal consultations, lectures, and conferences, etc. Special attention will also be given to the reception of such particular Islamic discourses and praxis by French Muslims, both locally and nationally. We suggest that the ethnographic method is the most adapted approach for reaching our research objectives.

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Uncontrolled Keywords: Islam, France, Bordeaux, Imâm, Oubrou, Laïcité, Sécularisation, Autorité, Théologique, Canonique, Sermons, Ethnographie, Islam, France, Bordeaux, Imâm, Oubrou, Laïcité, Secularism, Authority, Theology, Canonical, Sermons, Ethnography
Subjects: H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
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Depositing User: Qawami Staff
Date Deposited: 28 Dec 2021 08:09
Last Modified: 11 Jan 2022 19:23

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